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Create the Future


The power of an idea whose time has come

We've entered an entirely 'new age'
- one of perpetual disruption.


Those who thrive in an environment such as this are the most

agile and adaptable.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

How will you ensure that you are positioned to create meaningful value ?


Research & Development

Split Atom

Cause an Effect

If Steve Jobs hadn't have created the smartphone, we would very likely still be using Blackberry and Nokia today !

Though difficult to imagine now, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of organisations operate out of a risk-averse, or fear-based, culture - clinging to their legacy solutions and models.

How is that working out for Blackberry and Nokia today...

Our Process

Ideate Prototype Validate


  1. Ingite team vision.

  2. Frame the right questions.

  3. Zoom out and see the entire strategic picture.

Ideate Prototype Validate

Reimagine Opportunity.

Traditionally, teams would often turn to a ‘futurist’ consultantcy, to provide ‘over-the-horizon’ insights.

However, most ‘futurist’ work is limited to linear extrapolations of obvious trends and based on current trajectories.

Unfortunately, the progression of society and technology is most often not that linear.

That’s why we call what we do ‘prophecy’ - connecting seemingly unrelated dots, via lateral connections, to produce predictions which map more closely to the non-linear ways in which history and technology tend to unfold.

Brand Triangulation
Brand Positioning System

Your brand's own GPS.

Leveraging huge data sets, bleeding-edge behavioural science and trend tracking, as well as analysis of cross-pollinated insights from adjacent verticals.

The Brand Triangulation System ™ makes the process of defining brand as much a science as an art.


Double-Diamond, evolved
Double Diamond

Guiding you through the process of identifying your strongest opportunities


Assessing and selecting which of these offers the greatest upside potential


Prototyping your leading opportunity, as a functioning Minimum Viable Product


Delivering you a digital prototype, which we can test with real users


Rapid Validation Model

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

Taking the time-honoured DFV paradigm and streamlining it into a lean and iterative feedback loop, the Rapid Validation Model ™ exponentially shortens the cycle of achieving product-market fit.

Helping us achieve total clarity on...


Does anyone really want it ?


Can it be developed and delivered ?


Is it actually worth doing ?

What You Get

Once we've completed our process, you'll come out with:

Periscope Render


Digital Prototype

Like a product visualised in 3D or a coded beta version of an app

Funnel Render


Product-Market Fit

We'll pivot and refine the solution iteratively, with feedback from real users

Funnel Render


Go-To-Market Strategy

Everything we've learned, put into an actionable strategy

Begin realising the untapped potential in your organisation:

Research Badge


What is our greatest opportunity ?

Enquire NOW

From 2300

Prototyping Badge


Let them experience it for themselves

Enquire NOW

Starting at 3500

Validation Badge


Is it really what the market wants ?

Enquire NOW

From 4900


Research & Development

Organisations who invest in R&D, versus those who don't:









Design Led

Organisations who are Design led, versus those who are not:





Market Share





Enova Energy®

"We came to Creation Theory with nothing more than an idea sketched on a napkin - for an energy company, of all things !

They prototyped a brand and market strategy for us, which resulted in a $4 million capital raise."

UPDATE: Enova were recently awarded 'Australia's best energy company', by Choice. We couldn't be more proud.




"We had an idea about what to do with the stuff in your pockets, when you go in the water.

Creation Theory were able to digitally prototype and test our concept with potential customers online, avoiding expensive physical test molds.

When testing showed that the potential customer - thought to be surfers - didn't actually like the idea, we were able to avoid a bad investment."




"The electric bike space was really blowing up at the time and we didn't want to lag the market, given the moment was now for this kind of product.

The Rapid Validation model allowed us not only to test and validate the desirability of the concept, achieving product-market fit, but as a bonus, we were also able to make pre-sales, whilst we ran a highly technical product-development-cycle.

Flipping the model in this way is a game-changer for startup tech ventures like ours."




Recently the NSW government took the bold step of looking outside of traditional procurement channels - seeking genuine innovation in tackling stubbornly high rates of youth unemployment.

Creation Theory tabled the Hactivate concept - a web app targeting the 'gamer' generation, with a heavily gamified platform - supporting disengaged youth to 'Level up their real life'.

Winning a quarter million dollar government service contract, the app was built and run internally by Creation Theory, over the subequent 18 months.




One of our own internal IP, Placebo became a unique opportunity to be part of the exploding zero-alcohol beer movement - helping both ourselves and our fellow Australians to improve our relationship with alcohol.

Digital prototyping of the brand enabled us to run desirability testing, via digital pre-marketing activities and to validate product-market fit, as well as build anticipation.

From there, it's been a relatively straight-forward case of engaging with a brewing and fullfillment partner, allowing us to stay in our lane and focus on brand marketing activities.

Look out for it in 2023 !



Charlie Arnott

"Having organically built influencer status within the hugely trending Regenerative Agriculture, or 'ReGen Ag' space - teaching Biodynamic Farming via Instagram and YouTube - we were at the threshold where we needed to 'cross-the-chasm', as they say and grow our early-adopter niche audience into a mainstream one.

To achieve this, Creation Theory helped us sharpen up the 'Charlie Arnott' brand and focus in on our WHY - how we create meaningful value that people come back for, again and again.

In activating the resulting strategy, Creation Theory built us a modern web platform architecture upon which we could leverage our subject matter expertise into content channels - primarily led by the establishment of "The Regenerative Journey, with Charlie Arnott" podcast, which CT were also hands-on in helping to establish, as a media channel."



Happy Clients:

It's time to discover your

greatest opportunity

Let's talk